Thursday, October 10, 2013

5 Sweet Things To Tell Yourself

"We only live once but if you do it right, once is enough" 
Mae West
Honestly, I am an ordinary person just like everybody else who used to think that living life is as simple as breathing, working, and performing daily tasks, receiving and sending back emotions the way they come to my life.
I noticed some bad patterns that I continuously use in my life and these patterns are mostly giving me bad energies in return resulting to a bad outcome. I started to notice them last year by asking myself the big WHY?
Until I realized them and today I'm sharing them to you.

1. "I follow my heart and intuition"
Make decisions and act on them. No one can drive you except your own instinct. This is your life. Live it for it's yours. Make mistakes, fall and try again. I will never forget the time when I was down to zero. I pursued through all the pain. It was never easy. Along the way, there were substantial disappointments. I was not discouraged. I took them as challenges. Follow your dream with open eyes and make at least one good thing every day to make it a reality. You know your heart, through it all, you will find your happiness.
2. "I love myself"
You may not have a perfect life or a perfect family. This is not about other people. This is embracing yourself, who you are, whatever wrong you did in the past, forgive yourself and love it for it has life giving you the chance to become a lovable person. Accept everything about yourself - EVERYTHING! Never compare your looks, your status, your flaws. Be proud of yourself by not bragging what you have or who you are. Nobody is perfect. Loving yourself means caring about your heart, it should fill kindness, no hatred. You don't hurt yourself rather improve the inside you to be happy in your life. Treat yourself with a reward from your hard work. You deserve it.
3. "I am making a difference"
This is true if you have done at least one positive impact to someone else's life. Do you know that it will also bring back positive impact into your life? Now you have to know. Helping others like making them feel happy or kind words to make them suffer less is great. Within you, at least one thing a day, make a difference beginning in your home. One you'll likely to remember forever.
4. "I have forgiven those who once hurt me"
In reality, this is one of the most difficult task in the road of righteousness. I still remember the woman, who lied a lot, who did wrong to my brother, who was so proud of herself and not even ashamed of what she did. Compared to those backstabbers around my place and the one who texted me awful things many times, I think the woman who lied a lot, who did wrong to my brother, would be the last creature I would ever forgive. I am still working on this thing but I honestly desire to achieve this holy thing of forgiveness. I included this because I know a lot of us, are still keeping some hatred to some people who did us wrong. But I know one day, this is going to happen.
5. "I have no regrets"
I followed my heart. I was wrong. But anything that happened to me was my own choice. I take accountability for my life. If I did wrong to others, I take a step to apologize. I don't ignore the damage I did. I know fully I was wrong. It doesn't matter if they accept, believe or not...what is important is the move to correct myself. To all the failures I had, I learned from them. I also celebrate my little victories. I appreciate all the things that happened and will still happen. They are part of life. I have no regrets of who I am, and what I did yesterday.
Whoever you are, treat yourself with sweetness.
Sofia Ann

1 comment:

Aifossh said...

First of all, THANK YOU, for the views I'm receiving today. I'm still learning the ropes of Blogger. Feel free to leave me a sweet comment.

Have a nice day people..