Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sweet Signs of Feng Shui

" Good feng shui has a number of definitions. It includes everything - landscapes, designs, shapes, elements and a host of other factors. "
Kathryn Weber

Image by Kwon O Chul
It was one ordinary working day in the office last year when I had the courage to ask my Chinese colleague about some things that bother me. It was actually a simple question, yet so important to me. I just had the feeling that somehow I would know some answers from her because I have observed her jolly behavior, confidence and her simplicity, but I feel that there is something about her. My intuition was right and that simple question went a long way.  It was then I realized that I am missing a lot of knowledge about NATURE. 
I felt so enlightened and since then, I started reading about Feng Shui.  I absolutely learned a lot.  I consider it as another chapter of learning life and how we interact with nature even in our own homes, place of work and most importantly - our own self.  To many people, they perceive feng shui as a superstitious belief or something awkward.  It's not an artificial thing like man-made objects that most people glorify.  We have been so attached to these electronic devices and concrete objects. Most people have forgotten or have ignored how to be in tune with nature.

Believe in SIGNS, and where do you look for signs?  These can be out your window, hanging on the walls, on the radio, television ... almost anywhere.  Be attuned on what you see and encounter in your environment for feng shui "stamp of approval".

When you are considering a financial move or starting a business and rain starts to fall, this is an excellent sign of prosperity, as water equals money feng shui.  A light, lovely rain is a blessing and a good signal of prosperity.  The rainbow is a signal of rain unifying the yin and yang.  A heavy but short period of rain also means freedom because it washes away the bad energies in the air and freshens the plants. 

Sunshine breaking through clouds and trees is an excellent sign of good fortune.  Sun streaming through windows (as long as it's not blinding) is another wonderful sign.  In your window, you can hang some crystal where the sun can strike it and will produce tiny rainbow light drops on the ceiling or on the floor.  

When you leave your house to go for work, does a light breeze greet you as you step out of the door?  When you open your terrace door, do you feel the light cool breeze on your cheeks?  Is there enough breeze of air coming inside your house?  These are excellent signs.  Light, comforting breeze of air are good feng shui and augurs good luck.  But don't let strong winds to come inside as they blow away good luck.

Blooming plants, trees or flowers are excellent signs.  If you have plants and they are blooming very well, they are signs of good luck especially in your business.  Hang a big picture of plants in the east of your house, or pottery of greens or vases of flowers.  

Real, fresh or even in paintings, fruits and flowers are excellent signs of bounty and success.  Pink flowers are considered good symbols of love, white flowers as good symbols of health and better times, yellow flowers are believed to be the best symbol for wealth, red as symbols of happiness.  Do you flower bush that rarely blooms?  Take not of what's happening in your life when it starts to bloom.

Birds chirping at your window sills, or birds flying over your house or business bring good news of prosperity.  White birds signal good health or bad situations turning better.  A picture or poster of flock of birds are good feng shui signs. 

Animals gathering close?  A toad hopping by?  Butterflies are considered excellent predictors of good outcomes and also bad outcome - when a relative passed away - a black butterfly may flutter around giving you a signal or message.  Cows are symbols of wishes coming true!  Pay attention to the animal world, their behavior and presence are signals of what is happening.  Happy, beautiful animals are bringers of positive outcomes.

Children who are laughing and giggling are excellent signs.  If children play around your house or your neighbor and are happy, they are good signs.  Children's voices have high pitch that drive away bad energies around the house.  Cooing, happy babies are especially good signs, as is pregnancy!

Pay attention to symbols that you see that suggest spirituality. This can also include dreams. Jot down your dreams when you wake up in the morning and see for clues of what is happening in your life.  I had dreams, most of them includes element of water or fire. Some are worms or beasts.  Thanks to feng shui that I have found their meanings and what possible thing I could do. 

Harmonious arrangement of your furniture speaks about where they should be placed, according to  your Bagua.  Cleanliness, smell, clutter-free cabinets or under your bed are feng shui cures to enable the good energy flow in your house accordingly.  Any electronics that are broken and not working should be taken out of the house.  Broken vases, glass or mirrors must not be in use, throw them away.  Your home should receive enough light and air circulating. 

Some people would tell you, "so you must be very rich now if you follow these feng shui things?".  Good luck is not all about money.  Good fortune means peace, health, a strong career, enhanced charm, happy family, no hindrances in your plans - anything could be smooth in your life.  You may not know, what luck is in store for you.

Have a peaceful weekend!


Sofia Ann

By  Kathryn Weber
Edited and reviewed by Sofia Ann

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