"The greatest revelation is stillness."
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Of all the gifts in heaven that I always wished for, is PEACE, inside out. December is a season love, peace and harmony. A season of joy, sharing and forgiveness. But I know life has always been challenging, sometimes unpredictable, chaos happen anywhere, anytime. Affected people would always have troubles, pains and feelings of hopelessness.
The only thing I can do to help is prayer. I have a strong belief in praying and my faith has held me in tact in times of problems, uncertainties and doubts. When I reached the stage of seeing beyond, what others couldn't see, I call it a gift from God.
"The mind is never right but when it is at peace within itself" Lucius Annaeus Seneca
In times of anger and disappointment, we tend to decide with all the force in our minds. We speak with rudeness, sharpness and even belittle those we hate or dislike. All emotions are temporary - sadness, happiness, anger, boredom and laziness, name it if you want to add more. Only when you are at peace mentally you will see justice and the right things to say.
"To have peace in one's soul is the greatest happiness" Oriental Wisdom
How heavy is our conscience? What wrong have we done to others? How long are we going to keep it? Grudge makes the soul heavy and uneasy.
There are couple of passages in the bible that I always remember, "Go to your brother and ask for his forgiveness before you come to me", and something like, "Only when you make peace with your brother and sister will you attain peace in your heart". Happiness, in all of its important forms, is achieving peace in our hearts.
"Life's sweetest things are the quietest things... A happy life consists of tranquility of mind" Cicero
As the saying goes, we can buy the most expensive and softest bed to sleep on but never the peace of mind. Material things that money can buy are good. But when things around us become loud, repetitive complains, nonstop demands, disordered surroundings may add to your discomforts in life. Change the disorders as much as you can.
Always find time to be at peace with yourself when you have a quiet time. In your privacy, take time to close your eyes and free your mind. This way, you are able to unload your problems and refresh once again. Feel it within yourself that you're empty. Only then you can handle things around you again.
"Serenity is the highest knowledge and love, it is the affirmation of all reality being awake at the edge of all deeps and abysses. Serenity is the secret of beauty and the real substance of all art." Herman Hesse
Be calm, still and untroubled. It is wise to solve problems by thinking properly when you are at peace. Avoid complicating your life, your mind and your heart. Do not try to fight. Let it flow, let it pass, let it be. Troubles will not stay forever.
Stay awake and see what is happening in your life. Closing the eyes may not see the walls, but it can clearly give you a focused picture of what you desire to happen for the sake of peace. I, too, have big problems right now, but because of faith and peace in my heart, God made a way to help me. I let Him control my life.
"Live peace yourself and then you can bring peace to others. A peaceful man does more good than a learned one." Thomas A. Kempis
He who is peaceful will also bring peace to others. People will feel that from you. As long as you change little by little each day towards peace, you are not only loving yourself but also being grateful in life. People come and go, so as good and bad times. No one can make you happy except yourself. Do not borrow happiness by depending on others' presence but within you is happiness even when alone. Keep your peace and share it with your loved ones.
May this season of Christmas brings peace and renewed happiness in your life.
God bless you all!!
Sofia Ann
SWEETLIFE Author&Founder
Quotes reference: The Ways of Wisdom GIFTBOOK by Helen Exley
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