" Truth never damages a cause that is just "
Mahatma Gandhi
Personally, every single person on Earth has their own truths. Sometimes, this is how people explain themselves. Truth is something that is universal. It is a fact written or said that has been proven and tested through our own life experiences. It is something you cannot deny.
Life is not something we toy just to make it simple. Sometimes, it becomes complicated because of related issues. There were mornings when, you almost don't want to go to work or to school. There were times when it's easier to mess around than fixing things up. I had these many times in the past.
But, look here, be thankful you experience them. It means your eyes were opened to the truth and do the best not to be there, in that dark corner again. Yes, they happen, but you have the power to change your life. So please, SMILE. Life is a gift and it's up to you to grow with it, appropriately.
No man is an island
We are all in this life together. Why do you think you were born with a family? Why are there people we call friends? Independent you may be, for being a strong person from all the hardships in life. In business, we need clients. In Education, we need learners and professors. In medical, doctors are needed by sickly patients.
Nobody is perfect, and there can never be one. It is a myth. We all have issues. We all go through the test of life. But we can never be alone. We are all in this together.
You are unique
Imagine everyone around you with the same face and characteristics like you? Only twins have their copy. Millions of people are living in every part of the globe, different cultures and traditions, beliefs and philosophies. But through it all, YOU are unique.
No two people are exactly the same. Every single individual have their own unique personality, and you are one of them. Never compare yourself, even if others do. In every strengths and weaknesses, we will always find someone who will compliment and fill up the missing parts. Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself. You are lucky to be born.
Love is life
God so loved the world that He delivered His begotten Son. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ to save mankind from the sin, is the greatest love of all. We are expected to do our part in behalf of His Son. Not to be perfect, but to do good to other people. Doing good is LOVE.
Sprinkle love in your home, in your work, in your prayer, to your family, to the people who mostly give their time and help. Life is meaningless without love. Love your life, it's a gift.
To the happiness you deserve in life!
Sofia Ann
SWEETLIFE Author&Founder
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