Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bitter-Sweet Realities To Tough Out

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Put your vision to reality!"
Bob Marley
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Over the past decade, I have dealt with severe hardships, including pinned debts, the sudden death of my mother, the loss of my good friend due to illness, financial shortages, broken marriage, betrayal, hurtful and insulting words through cyber bullying, failure relationships and as the breadwinner of the family. These experiences were brutal. My children and I were knocked down. Single parenting was tough.

But the time of suffering is not forever. When we started to get through, we pressed forward in life. We developed a greater understanding of what life is, we're stronger and have more respect in life. That was the toughest times of our life and we got through it.
It was never easy to live day by day as we struggle in moving on, with great faith and belief in our hearts. We had shaken knees and troubled minds, but these gave us strength. I focused in moving on. The first step is never easy.
Persistence is the single most characteristic of high achievers. They refuse to give up. Efforts must be aligned with our goals and then start every day ready to run farther than we did yesterday and fight harder than we ever have before. Life is not easy, but it's worth it. Good things rarely come quick and easy.
Admit it, we cannot control everything in our life - including ourselves. Bad times do happen in the most unexpected time and when surprisingly the time you were so down. It is more on your reaction and how you handle things in front of you. There's a lot we can't control.  But think about this, when we are rejected from something good, we're actually redirected to something better. We will always have less control than we desire.
Each of us has a unique fire in our heart for something that makes us feel alive. It is our duty to find it and keep it, once found. Objects and things fascinate us and bring joy that we continue in focusing on the tangible material as a trace of happiness. We better start caring on the things that touch us. Things that money can't buy. Long term happiness cannot be bought, it is earned.
Sometimes, defeat and unhappiness are caused by our own thoughts, how long we carry them and they keep hammering in our head. The real happiness and success come down in two ways: the way we think and the way we act based on our thoughts.

Let us keep our faith, believing in ourselves and being kind in words, in thoughts and in deeds. Remember that positivity begets positivity. It's how the universe teaches us.


Sofia Ann
SWEETLIFE Author&Founder

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