Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wrong Places Toward Happiness

"A new way of thinking has become the necessary condition for responsible living and acting. If we believe obsolete values and beliefs, we will continue to hold onto outdated goals and behaviors"

Dalai Lama

..the past
Photo via Google
Could have been that your past was much better than today. And you're wondering why things in your life are not going well this time. People change, including you. The world is changing.  Systems and the flow of the Universe is changing. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn't mean it is still. On the other hand, if your past was terrible and heartbreaking, there is no need to bring them here in the present times.

Keep moving on and stop comparing your life from your past. What counts is not the journey you've taken but it's worth. Live life as of today, live each day meaningfully with full awareness.  I believe, my focus in life is my family, to voice out some issues concerning me, being friendly, separating work issues from my private life, thinking more about what's to be done next, how to cut expenses, to face my own difficulties and  to smile each day. Life is too short to be always pissed off.

..the future
Worrying from now that in the next ten years, you don't exist anymore. Thinking ahead that if you go to your dreamland, things could be more amazing. Simply imagining that in the next five years, you've become a somebody. There's nothing wrong about advancing your thoughts, especially if you're preparing for that TODAY.

What you are today is the future. What you do now is the future. The advanced life is not guaranteed unless you start doing something different, productive and positive NOW. Life is like a piggy bank. Keep on putting in your coins, no matter how much, gather them in one place and maybe don't even count how often you do that. There will come a time you will be broke, and that little savings will save you. Do something today! Enjoy your life right now while you're living it.

..too much of one good thing
From the words of Oscar Wilde, "Everything in moderation, including moderation."

Eating too much makes you obese. Playing too much leaves important things undone. Sleeping too much makes you weaker. Spending too much makes you broke. Working too much makes  your loved ones at home unattended. Could one of these your true happiness, I bet you're really out of control.

A lifetime happiness is not based on one good thing, it is a combination. Lifestyle is when you distribute your resources properly and positively where your life is in deficit. Time management, budgeting, planning are some disciplines that when truly practiced - that is happiness!

..wrong relationships
Talking from my own experience, there were fabulous moments indeed, exalted laughters and togetherness but the person who made me feel loved, swept my feet off the ground was the same person who brought me down. I woke up one day and with all the bravery in my heart, I let go of him.

You can't be with a person who disrespects you, cheats on you, makes excuses which is far worse than lying, and someone who belongs to somebody  else. Go for people who make you feel better. Surround yourself with happy people who talk more about funny experiences than complains. Nurture your relationship only with those who are happy and proud to have you in their lives.

..those who don't matter
Let me ask you, do you always entertain some of your friends who remember you only when they need you? How often do you hear others complementing on your good work? Is there someone who is always cross to your beliefs?

There will always be people who don't approve of you - your looks, your style, the things that you care about, your figure, the way you talk and so on. It's up to you if you let them ruin your day or stand up and accept yourself for who you are. These people are negative because they cannot accept others who are not in their line of preferences. 

As long as you are sincere, doing your best..if not good for someone it surely is best for somebody else. We don't connect ourselves to one person but the whole circulation. You're not here to please everyone, but to please yourself by doing the right thing for you and for those who deserve your attention. 

There is always the right place for everyone. It's already given to us, we just need to want to see it not merely believing it. In making changes, it doesn't have to be a big leap. Start from little steps and these little bits will add up in the end. That's the only time you will appreciate its value.

To your happiness..


Sofia Ann


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