Thursday, October 31, 2013

5 Sweet & Sour Personal Challenges

"A challenge is something new and push yourself into areas that test your capabilities as well as widen your horizons"
Simon Doyle
Photo by
I salute adventurous people who have been in heights and lows of the world and places where I could only imagine. Well, I had a few sweet memorable moments of challenges like when I climbed the 100 stairs to Mama Mary's Grotto in Baguio City, Philippines in one of my high school days excursions, have climbed the highest steep old stairs in one of Angkor Wat's temple in Cambodia

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 Sweet Ways To Be An Extraordinary Person

"There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and lifting others up"
Early mornings of every weekends I wake up early and do a water run. I have enjoyed this early walking exercise because I find it refreshing, feeling the cold breeze in the air as I walk on the street. 

One morning, on my way back home, after filling my water bottle, I thought of buying some food sold by the locals, fresh, hot and cheap. When I was about to pay, my money was not enough, so I
gestured an apology and asked the woman to just take a few back. But to my surprise she refused. "Take them and pay me next time. I always see you walk around every morning, no problem", she said. I thanked her with full smile and showed her my gratitude when I came back to pay her in full.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Isn't It Sweet When Someone Wishes They Were YOU?

"People run their lives in many ways - peaceful, scary, fashionable, complicated or simple. Point is, everyone has the opportunity to do it right or wrong and the chance to be grateful or ask for forgiveness."
Sofia Ann
Do you really know who you are? What you've got and why you're smart? Did you know that despite of our differences and how you live your life, some people out there still wish they were you?
Your life is what you choose and you're solely responsible of any flaws or wellness it may bring you. Before you know it, you're actually telling yourself, "Goodness, I have it pretty darn good!"?
Here's why many people in this world wish they had what you have.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Life Is A Sweet Gift

 A Life Story To Live By
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always
there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see
the world, I will marry you.'

One day,
someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages
came off, she was able to see everything, including her

Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 Sweet Tips To Manage Your Emails

"Organize not only your bank accounts but also your email accounts so that it is not all mixed up."
Sofia Ann
Photo from Google

Did you know that even the smart people forget their password? Or sometimes they forget their user name. This also happened to me in the past and it's not pretty good.
For some reason, due to our multiple activities in the cyber world, we create multiple email accounts and of course, multiple passwords. Out of five accounts that you have created, you will remember at least three perfect emails or an average of two.
To avoid forgetting, you can consider doing some of the things I will mention below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sweet Woman, is that YOU?

"Some people say being sweet is boring and not fun at all. I think it's better to be sweet than a sour person"
Sofia Ann
Photo from Google
Hello gorgeous!
Sweetness is not about the chocolate, cake and candy that we eat. It's about your attitude.

Did you know that women are sweet? It doesn't matter how old you are, it's about a MUST have sweetness factor that all women should possess. Sad fact is, most women are aging and missing the factors of being sweet because they're too tight in focusing on problems, worries, pains, money and relationships. These pitfalls draw us down, women.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sweet Gifts From God

"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals."
Larry Bird
Photo by
I'm lucky to have been graced by God with talent in arts. I discovered that when I was in my primary grade. When you have the skill, you simply know which and what to match - color, texture, size, angle, from the many to the least resources you have. I have utilized my skills in my teaching career by painting, drawing, making sketches, decorating, and have helped some friends in making them teaching devices, especially when I was still in the Philippines in my previous school.

22 Sweet Flower Ideas For Home

"Flowers whisper "BEAUTY" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall."
 Dr. SunWolf

Photo credit to
Spring or not, flowers are beautiful and sweet inside the house. No matter how you would want them - fresh or silk - as long as you decorate them with your own taste and style, they will bring in freshness and a calming spirit around your home.
Beautify your home with your selected favorite flowers. Enjoy the sweet ideas from the collected photos below.

Have fun!

Friday, October 18, 2013

10 Sweet Ways Of Growth

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail"
Author Unknown
I was reading a giftbook I borrowed from my friend when I came across this quote. It challenged me. All the more when I noticed it's written by an unknown author, wherever this brilliant person may be, I'm  sure this quote has gone a long way changing a person's life one way or the other.
We're all reminded by our parents, teachers, leaders and friends to follow the right path, the life of a symbolic person, to become a good leader in the future and so that we become a somebody that people could turn to. True enough and good enough.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keep Things Sweet and Simple

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
Leonardo da Vinci
I was born in the 1960's and lived my youthful days in the 70's and 80's. Those days of my life and the world I've seen, were simple.
Could it be that I grew up in a very simple family and not like the others who were born with sophistication and wellness in life. I knew that difference very well.

But when it comes to the 21st century, where information and technology spread at the speed of light, the abundant array of all sorts of innovation when it comes to designing our lives and careers, it's never simple again. No. Not the way I've known the world during my childhood days.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

9 Sweet Homeoffice Must Haves

"An organized place of work is heaven" 
Sofia Ann 

Photo by
Hi there! Today I'm so inspired to share some sweet ideas about setting up a home office. Do you already have? Oh good then. 
We take some work home, for some reason. There are also those who work at home by running their own business online. Because of this, it's a smart thing to set up a simple but organized home office. 
I'm sure by now, everything's set up considering the room temperature, ventilation. lighting and privacy (noise).

Sunday, October 13, 2013

6 Sweet Focus In Life

"Each day of your life is meaningful but without focus you will end up being used up by time instead of you using it."
Sofia Ann
Photo by Michael Hyatt
There are plenty of reasons why we are laid back at times. Situations, family, friends, finances and relationships play as the fundamental factors of living.
I've been one of these people who experienced the downfall in life. When it's almost helpless. But it was my hope that pursued me.
My life is sweet again. It requires work and patience. You need focus in achieving happiness.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sweet Ecclectic Styles

"Design is power. It brings out the best of even the simplest object through an unusual pattern"
Sofia Ann
Designs are born in your home only if you have created them first in your mind - by being imaginative.  Ecclectic styling and designing is a strange force of creation put into action but resulting into a masterpiece of arts and taste.
Color combinations of strong lime green, plain white, a touch of yellow-orange and blue paintings on the light blue walls.

6 Sweet Plant Ideas For Home

"I love plant decorating ideas. It creates a look of living in a paradise. It gives a pleasant and homey feeling."
Sofia Ann
All photos are by Rikki Snyder

I have always admired places and homes decorated with plants. Sometimes, just by looking at some photos that show images of marvelous interior designing with plants, gives a therapeutic feeling to me.
Choosing a plant for interior decorating is a bit difficult but there are plenty to choose from. You can place your potted plants in  corners or areas of the house where you think they can fit beautifully.

Friday, October 11, 2013

5 Sweet Tips For Closets

"If you love a closet being neat and organized, then love your things and take good care of them"
Sofia Ann
Everyday when we wake up, we reach for our drawers and open our closets for the day's costume. Sometimes we stay up to five minutes figuring what to wear.
I think that happens to everyone especially if you suddenly noticed that something in your wardrobe is missing and gasp - you need it today. Where could it be?
Let me share some sweet tips to manage your quickie time in the morning for work.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

6 Sweet Character Traits Must Haves

" Sexiness is a state of mind - a comfortable state of being"
Halle Berry 
To have a sexy body is absolutely a huge plus factor for ladies. Added with a sweet smile - who's not going to be attracted to you?
But watch out! Those two positive qualities should have something more for you. People are increasingly in desperate need of a more enduring standard. One that includes those internal qualities, those that add joy and passion in life, those of heart, mind and soul.

5 Sweet Things To Tell Yourself

"We only live once but if you do it right, once is enough" 
Mae West
Honestly, I am an ordinary person just like everybody else who used to think that living life is as simple as breathing, working, and performing daily tasks, receiving and sending back emotions the way they come to my life.
I noticed some bad patterns that I continuously use in my life and these patterns are mostly giving me bad energies in return resulting to a bad outcome. I started to notice them last year by asking myself the big WHY?
Until I realized them and today I'm sharing them to you.